Alla inlägg den 18 april 2014

Av Dag Blomqvist - 18 april 2014 09:16


Nu finns ingen återvändo! Vindkraften är dödsdömd!

Den nya, absolut rena, kraftkällan (vatten) tar över all energiproduktion inom alla sektorer.

Vad sägs om el för 1 cent per kWh. Köra din bil 3000 miles på 1 liter vatten.

Se denna länk:

"Electrical Power from Water Fuel

BlackLight has produced millions of watts of power in a volume that is one ten thousandths of a liter corresponding to a power density of over an astonishing 100 billion watts per liter.

BlackLight’s nonpolluting power-producing SF-CIHT cell catalytically converts H2O-based solid fuel directly into brilliant light-emitting plasma power, an essentially fully ionized gaseous physical state of the fuel comprising essentially positive ions and free electrons.

The SF-CIHT cell plasma is the same temperature as the Sun emitting the same solar spectrum of light, but at extraordinary power equivalent to 50,000 times the Sun’s intensity at the Earth’s surface. Optical power is converted directly into electricity using photovoltaic cells (solar cells).

Very high-power, high-efficiency cells are commercially available to convert the SF-CIHT cell optical power directly into electricity at its 100 billion watts per liter power density. Patents are filed worldwide."

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